Antifungals are going the way of antibiotics—overused, hitting resistance
CDC urges clinicians to confirm fungal infections before prescribing antifungal medications.
@[email protected]
“Last year, a dermatologist in New York reported the country’s first cases of a newly emerging skin fungus that is highly contagious and resistant to common antifungal treatments. Silent community spread appeared to be behind the unconnected cases. Overall, drug-resistant fungal skin infection cases (aka ringworm) have been identified in at least 11 US states to date.”@[email protected] lagian orang kalo minum antibiotik suka seenaknya sama overdosis. Ya suda kalo gini mah siap2 mokad ae lah
@[email protected]
Candida auris infections have gone up in the U.S. seemingly at some point into the pandemic.@[email protected]
I’ve seen reports that #LongCovid comes with heightened risk of fungal infection. I wonder if this a confounding or compounding factor.@[email protected] That requires providers to spend more then 5 minutes with the patient and possible labs which costs money. For profit corps ain’t got time for that shit…gotta keep cutting headcount and increasing patients per doc to keep those profits coming in for the c suite. I mean right now it takes 3-6 months for me to get in to see a dermatologist. And that is just general checkups. If I had an emergency at least 1-2 months.
@[email protected] Telling greedy clinicians, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies to stop over prescribing? Since when have they stopped overprescribing: Opioids, Psych Meds, Stimulants, Antibiotics or Antifungal meds?
@[email protected] , Everything is awful.
@[email protected] #Folliculitis is the one I sometimes deal with. I use to get rid of it really quickly with #Doxycycline, but its useless now. My new line of defense is #cephalexin, but its getting a fight, I have to take it for longer periods. When you live in densely populated areas, touching door knobs, elevator buttons, you are bound to catch it. Washing your hands, sanitizing and avoid touching your face is the best you can do, but thats super hard.
@[email protected] Is that an anti-fungal Alaska on his forehead?