• SJ0@lemmy.fbxl.net
    1 year ago

    He honestly makes some really good points. Everywhere you go there’s an implicit and sometimes explicit threat: “you better do what we want or we’re shutting the world down for you and you’ll be all alone”.

    He makes some good points about those limitations and then talks about Alex Gleason and his view that nostr is the path for the future.

    I’ve got nostr on my phone, I run a nostr relay, but the thing for me it isn’t comfy like my soapbox/rebased instance. I’m hoping with the recent news that Alex will be doing more work with nostr (though that was such a badly written article it might even just be fake, I dunno) that he’ll integrate nostr into soapbox so we’ll that its just another part of the fediverse on my comfy instance rather than a whole other app I cant expect to even use from anywhere I’m not an admin user.