Here he grieves, after death he grieves,

the evil-doer grieves in both places;

He grieves, he is tormented,

having seen the impurity of his own actions.

– DhammaPada Verse 15

Here he rejoices, after death he rejoices,

the doer of good deeds rejoices in both places;

He rejoices, he delights,

having seen the purity of his own actions.

– DhammaPada Verse 16

Picture: Flowering Garden, Vincent van Gogh, 1888

Related Teachings:

Guarding against irritability in body, speech, thought (DhP 231, 232, 233, 234) - The Buddha is advising against getting irritated, for bad conduct by way of body, speech or thoughts gives rise to ignorance.

Being dear to oneself (SN 3.4) - King Pasenadi of Kosala shares a reflection to the Buddha on how he is dear to oneself and who is not.

Kamma and Its Fruits (MN 135) - The Buddha explains to a brahmin how your deeds in past lives affect you in this life.