I don’t binge eat, I exercise 3 times a week, or as much as my schedule permits having a 2yold, work, partner and social commitments. I don’t drink. Still I get belly fat now that I am 35+. Wtf? Haas anyone solved this? Did you change diet? Sleep more? Exercise differently? Lower carbs? By how much? Please help me lemmee

  • insaneinthemembrane@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    If there’s actual unexplained weight gain it’s worth getting your bloods and stuff done in the doctors. Rule out some contributing factor like thyroid or something.

    After that it’s not about exercise unless your out-exercising your intake, which most people aren’t unless they’re really monitoring and making sure.

    So check your diet, particularly alcohol and unnecessary crap. If you want to find out really how much you’re eating, you could track for a while and see if you learn anything. I know I did once I did that, if was quite illuminating.