People naively think that when left-wing zealots take power, that at some point they will be forced by economics or politics or reality to submit to reality again and I am here to say that is not your future. In South Africa we have been waiting decades for things to return to normal, and let me tell you that when your country is taken over by left-wing zealots, things will only get worse and worse.”

I fear what our Marxian elites are doing is setting up a future conflict between our country’s black Christians and black Muslims. As long as we have left-wing control, we will be divided by class or race or religion and pitted against each other to preserve left-wing political power.”

Crime has escalated to extreme levels in the country. Murders in the major cities are a nightly occurrence. Organized crime is booming, as is kidnapping and violent crime in general.

The South African police are so demoralized, underfunded, and constricted in what they can legally do, that they are now hiring private security firms to protect the police stations at night.

The Marxist economic political game of creating classes and pitting those classes into conflict with one another to preserve political power has been on display in South Africa.

Kleynhans says that a little-reported detail of South Africa is how oppressive the country is towards racial minorities, in this case minority black tribes such as the Khoisan people who were once called the “Bushmen” who are out of favor with the ruling blacks.