If you are new to the internet, most of the time you will be shaking your head saying to yourself, “What are they talking about?” It will be very frustrating so i put together this handy reference of the words i have figured out so far, i hope it will be helpful.

Blog - this is a manifesto you can put out for everyone to see and read. So, say your a big fan of clouds, you could take a picture of a cloud and say, look it looks like a spaceship, and post it in your manifesto and then it would become a cloud blog.

Bot this is a set of pre-programmed instructions the government or corporation has made to perform automatic actions on the internet. Say you are Coke-a-cola, you can create a bot that every time some one says ‘Pepsi taste great’ your bot will come in and automatically reply. ’ Oh no you’re a nazi!’ it is very useful.

Crawl this an activity usually done by bots, but humans could do it as well, it just means, you check every link on a page for something interesting. Most of the time you won’t find anything, it will be mostly cat videos. That’s where the saying comes from, because you’ll be watching cats crawl.

Cyber its a cool sounding prefix but it literally means nothing. If someone says “Hey, if you give me $10 dollars i will send you $4000 cyber-dollars” what do you think you will receive? Nothing. Remember, cyber means nothing so if someone says ill give you a cyber-house, its still nothing. Ok, lets try again. “Hey if you want to buy my cyber-painting just send me a picture of your feet.” You send a picture of your feet, and what do you receive? Nothing. cyber-girfriend, cyber-sex, cyber-dollar, cyber-city, cyber-terrorism, cyber-vandalism, cyber-blackmail, they are all talking about the same thing: nothing.

Defederate - this means your going to block someone, or a whole bunch of related people from interacting with you and the federation you belong to.

Federation - this is like your internet tribe.

Flamer - that’s easy, its a gay.

GF - please see ‘cyber’ above.

Hit - this is a drug addict. You will hear, oh my website got a hit last night. It means they were taking drugs.

LOL - this is an acronym meaning Laughs Offend Liberals, you can reply simply LOL to anyone who says they are offended by something you said, and they will know you know they are a liberal.

Noob - Someone who thinks the internet is real life. So if someone says ‘I wrote a list of helpful suggestions’ you can reply, ‘Nice one Noob!’ or some variation.

Simp - a person like a retard.

Smiley - is a fanatic. Imagine a person who has a fake smile all the time, that is a smiley. If someone says, “I am trying to send you a smiley” just tell them to go to hell.

Thats all i’ve learned so far, but if you guys know more, please let me know.