U.S. aid to [the neocolony] each year amounts to $3 billion to $4 billion, with a new $2 billion aid package announced just a few days ago. The overwhelming majority of this is military aid. Every penny sent to [neocolonialism] to fund genocide against Palestinians, or sent to Ukraine to fund a proxy war against Russia, is money that was collected from workers in the U.S. These workers must go without healthcare and adequate housing, are drowning in debt, and live in an increasingly dilapidated country that casts the rights and interests of those who generate the wealth aside.

Why is our tax money used to fund war and genocide across the world instead of improving the lives of working-class and oppressed people here? Because these military adventures are what keep the [neo]imperialist ruling class on the top of the global food chain. [Zionism provides] a military outpost for [neo]imperialism, a foothold in a resource-rich region from which capitalist colonialism intends to extract everything.