Hello everyone,

Hope your weekend is off to a great start. I’m starting my journey on Vim and possibly Emacs (although, who am I kidding, seeing some of its capabilities it seems an inevitability). One thing that would accelerate my timeline to jumping into learning Emacs is if it handled a particular use case that is crucial to me.

See, I do a lot of work in Jupyter Notebooks (Python) for school and ML/prototyping in general. One thing I like about notebooks is that if you make a mistake and the program fails, well, your intermediate calculations are still stored in memory and accessible. It’s a graceful fail. If you fail through terminal, well, could be the end of what you calculated.

The problem I have with Jupyter Notebooks is that they do not support parallel processing conveniently. I saw that Emacs has some interesting capabilities around notebook support; I believe org mode is what’s used.

I was interested in knowing if anyone uses Emacs as a way to get the best of both worlds: a way to run things using multiprocessing, but should things fail, it store the states in memory to rerun it.

I appreciate any/all insight you have!

  • LionyxML@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Imagine a world it is not only Python, but almost any language :) Org-mode is your friend.

    (I will let someone really into these helms awnser u better, but start taking a look on some intro class on org-mode)