Here are my apple seeds. I read some tutorials online about keeping them in the fridge to simulate stratification before they germinate. Someone suggested doing more than one seed just in case they don’t take. Much to my surprise after nearly three months in the fridge, this is what they look like today. Anyone know if I should plant these in dirt now? I live in a northern wintery Canadian climate so they can’t go outside. I don’t know what I should do!

#trees #gardening @gardening

    1 year ago

    Yes, pop them into some indoor pots and underneath grow lights for the winter. Make sure soil stays moist (basically another chore now, lol - such is plant life!). You won’t have to worry about nutrition until they put on their first set of true leaves. Then you can feed weekly or so with diluted fish emulsion. I’d suggest putting them in pots with holes, so you can “bottom water,” aka just put the whole pot bottom into the water/emulsion so the soil will wick it up, versus watering the top, which can cause fungal issues. Good luck!