So, I would like to start up a para-friendly art-focused instance, running on either Pleroma or Ruffy. It wouldn’t necessarily be designed to cater to everyone in the community, but the idea is to inspire others to set up similar instances to start a healthy network of para-friendly art spaces.

I’ve been researching the technicalities of how to go about this, and I think I can manage most of that, as well as costs… I have experience with webmastering relatively normal sites, but not ones like this. My current major concerns:

  • What are some good, open-minded hosting service options?
  • Is there any serious risk of running into legal trouble if NSFW art and underage users are allowed, assuming the NSFW is required to be marked as sensitive? Would it be a safer bet to just make the instance 18+?

Any advice or directions to resources about this type of thing would be greatly appreciated. My DMs are open if anyone is willing to give personal help, as well.

    11 months ago

    For question 2, if all NSFW media is required to be marked as sensitive or NSFW, you cannot get in trouble if a minor comes across it and chooses to interact with said post. You can only get in trouble if NSFW media is marketed to minors/encourages minors interacting. This may depend on where you’re from, but in the USA this is the law that I’ve been taught.

    11 months ago

    If it’s meant for art, what about Pixelfed? Haven’t tried using it, but it’s a lot easier to browse than Pleroma.

  • Kirino
    11 months ago

    For hosting,BuyVM. I will defend tbem to their dying day,they let me host my Lolicon instance,and they also have NAMBLA and AllTheFallen in their servers too. As for it being a para-friendly place,not sure if allowing minors is a good idea,but does it,so i imagine it wouldnt be too much of a issue there If you’re just starting out,id suggest setting things up with something like Yunohost as it makes things like DNS management (Using Cloudflare for DNS,but not Proxying as some instances will suspend you over it) Yunohost can handle 99% automagically. I reccommend using Google Workspace as a SMTP Relay,so your mails are coming from already trusted servers,and then gmail handles DMARC/DKIM and keeps your domain off blacklists