Hi guys,

I have bought a this case and this ssd disk from Amazon.

I have assemble everything, format as APFS (Mac user) and just do speed test, and the results are worst then a mechanical disk.

The case are directly connect to a USB C port with a cable length of 20 cm, that came with the case.

% dd if=/dev/zero of=test1Gb.bin bs=1G count=1 
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1073741824 bytes transferred in 33.060263 secs (32478321 bytes/sec)

% dd if=/dev/zero of=test1Gb1.bin bs=12M count=85 
85+0 records in
85+0 records out
1069547520 bytes transferred in 42.482943 secs (25175928 bytes/sec)

I see on my PC the interface of USB C is a JMicron, its possible be a bad case?

Thanks you.