I’m curious to get your thoughts on Lemmy. What is your impression so far? Are you enjoying it? What would you like to see different?

If you’re using Lemdit, then I’m really interested to get your feedback on what your experience is like. Is there anything we can improve? Any other suggestions or ideas?

  • CheshireSnake@lemdit.com
    1 year ago


    I honestly lol’d at the title. I’ll be sure to check the link.

    But seriously, thank you for starting the instance and specially for being very open and transparent. I appreciate that you took the time to answer.

    I’ve said this to my previous instance owner and I mean it - please do ask help/assistance if anything gets to be too much. Personally, I’d be glad to help out in any way I can.

    Best of luck! And I hope this instance grows. It’d be great to be a part of it.

    Edit: wow. That’s a pretty powerful potato!

    • delendum@lemdit.comOPM
      1 year ago

      No worries, and thank you for the offer to help, I will keep it in mind.

      Thanks! I’m not advertising Lemdit at all, only those that discover it on their own stay and I like that, I think it mostly attracts quality people. Lemdit will never be a large instance, I think ~1k people is probably its workable ceiling before other problems start to emerge (admin related rather than hardware), but we’ll see what the future holds. We’re a long way from that right now.

      Yes the potato is… a well grown one :)