To repost all your YouTube subscription videos with above-average popularity on Lemmy using Python, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Get a YouTube API key[1].
  2. Use the YouTube API to fetch your subscription videos[2].
  3. Determine the popularity threshold (e.g., average views, likes, or comments).
  4. Filter the videos based on the popularity threshold.
  5. Use Pythorhead to interact with Lemmy and post the filtered videos[3].

Here’s a sample Python script to achieve this:

import requests
from pythorhead import Lemmy

# Replace with your YouTube API key and Lemmy credentials
YOUTUBE_API_KEY = 'your_youtube_api_key'
LEMMY_USERNAME = 'your_lemmy_username'
LEMMY_PASSWORD = 'your_lemmy_password'

# Fetch your YouTube subscription videos
def get_youtube_subscriptions(api_key):
    # Replace with your YouTube channel ID
    channel_id = 'your_youtube_channel_id'
    url = f'{channel_id}&maxResults=50&key={api_key}'
    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.json()
    return data['items']

# Determine the popularity threshold
def get_popularity_threshold(videos):
    # Calculate the average views, likes, or comments of the videos
    # Replace this with your preferred popularity metric

# Filter videos based on the popularity threshold
def filter_videos(videos, threshold):
    # Filter the videos based on the popularity threshold
    # Replace this with your preferred popularity metric

# Post filtered videos on Lemmy using Pythorhead
def post_videos_on_lemmy(videos):
    lemmy = Lemmy("")
    community_id = lemmy.discover_community("your_lemmy_community")

    for video in videos:
        title = video['snippet']['title']
        url = f'{video["id"]}', title, url)

# Main script
if __name__ == '__main__':
    videos = get_youtube_subscriptions(YOUTUBE_API_KEY)
    threshold = get_popularity_threshold(videos)
    filtered_videos = filter_videos(videos, threshold)

Replace the placeholders with your YouTube API key, Lemmy credentials, and YouTube channel ID. You’ll also need to implement the get_popularity_threshold and filter_videos functions based on your preferred popularity metric (e.g., views, likes, or comments).

Please note that this script is just a starting point, and you might need to modify it according to your specific requirements.





  • InternetPirate@lemmy.fmhy.mlOPM
    1 year ago

    To modify the bot to choose videos with above-average views relative to the last few videos in each channel, you need to adjust the way you calculate the average views. Instead of calculating the average views for all videos, you will calculate the average views for the last N videos. Here’s how you can do it:

    First, fetch the last N videos from each channel using the YouTube data API. You can use the search().list() method and set the order parameter to date to get the most recent videos first. The maxResults parameter can be set to N to limit the number of videos.

    N = 10  # number of recent videos to consider
    request =
    response = request.execute()

    Next, calculate the average view count for these N videos:

    video_ids = [video['id']['videoId'] for video in response['items']]
    request = youtube.videos().list(
    response = request.execute()
    views = [int(video['statistics']['viewCount']) for video in response['items']]
    average_views = sum(views) / len(views)

    Finally, filter out videos with views above the average and post them on Lemmy:

    above_average_videos = [video for video in response['items'] if int(video['statistics']['viewCount']) > average_views]
    for video in above_average_videos:
        video_title = video['snippet']['title']
        video_id = video['id']
        video_url = f"{video_id}", video_title, url=video_url)

    This will post all the recent videos with above-average views to the specified Lemmy community.

    Please replace "username", "password", "YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_CHANNEL_ID", and N with your actual Lemmy login details, YouTube API Key, YouTube Channel ID, and the number of recent videos to consider respectively.