Hi everyone! I’ve been wearing an Apple Watch for a long time. But for as long as I recall having a watch I’ve wore it a bit too tight, but never really thought twice. It’s left a pretty big indent in my arm. And I’m wondering if it’ll ever recover? I believe it’s starting to actually cause wrist pain and grip issues but I am doing exams right now so I’ll have to wait to see if that’s what’s causing it and not my watch. I really just want to know if the indent will leave after a while and if not how to help it be less noticable (and if my grip has been affected, a way to help that too).
No, sorry :/
I’m sorry, it’s fatal
Too tight and not drinking enough water
Yeah I mean that makes sense also because I find I never hydrate enough most days
No, you are doomed.
Get it check out, seem not normal
Of course it will.
Once you draw a circle on an image you’ll need to use photoshop to remove it.
Your skin will bounce back. Don’t worry too much. Besides that just wear your watch looser. You should always be able to put 1 finger thru from the bottom of the watch band
I’m afraid it’s permanent.
Are you getting it around your ankles while wearing socks (assuming you wear socks)? If so, might be time to see your doctor and get a blood panel. Otherwise, loosen up the watch a bit.
No my socks don’t do that so it’s probably just me wearing my watch way too tight lol
Probably yes 👍
Google “peripheral edema” and freak yourself out
Oh that’s just what my dad has that’s not too bad I’ve seen it for years
Zox bands, you’ll never look back