• smoothbrain coldtakes@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Filoni was always the true heir to the empire. Clone Wars was already proof of that, because he had the power to listen to George Lucas and say “no”, acting as a filter for the outlandish bad ideas that Lucas often comes up with.

    Only thing I’ve ever seen his name attached to that I absolutely hated was that Resistance show that lasted two seasons, had a packed star-studded cast (including a lot of the original actors from the sequels like Oscar Isaac), but was just an awful show because nothing makes sense about the sequel trilogy. Had some cool character designs, had some cool monsters, but overall didn’t really tell a satisfying story. I think he was only an exec producer on this show though, so he probably had very little day to day involvement compared to, say, Ahsoka.

    Everything else Filoni has directly lead has been fantastic. I never understood why the hell they had Kathleen Kennedy at the top when Dave has been an important part of the franchise even before Disney bought the rights.