Apple valued my traded in iPhone 12 Pro Max at £0, thanks to 1 crack on the lens. The merits of this aside, I obviously had no intention to accept this offer.

While scrolling the page my finger hit the Accept button, and that was that. No confirmation nothing.

I have spent ages talking to Apple support, who claim they can’t do anything and it’s “in the legal terms that once you accept, you accept”. While they’re legally in the right, I’m out a fair amount of money.

Has anyone faced this before? Is there ANY way to cancel the trade in at this point, or anyone to contact?

Frankly, the support experience has really soured me on Apple.

  • 0100001101110111@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Also, IANAL, but if you really didn’t receive anything I would mention that this can’t be considered a valid contract under English law due to lack of “consideration” (benefit for you). Maybe that might scare someone into getting something done.