so im waiting on delivery for my oled deck, and i was wondering, i read somewhere that windows can now run off of an sd card on the oled. i was thinking of doing just that, for other games like hearthstone and maybe like rocket league, just more of a flex rather then a main use case scenario of windows, but i was wondering about something. i saw a while ago an unboxing of a steam deck og, and the girl downloaded windows, and on the front when she turned on the deck two squares came up, one had the windows logo and one had the steam logo, and she was able to tap whichever os she wanted to use. is that what happens naturally? or do i gotta do something in order to get these squares? and how does the switching between windows and steam os look? do i gotta go in the bios? thanks guys

  • darkuni@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    u/chrisdpratt answered your question awesomely. I didn’t think I had anything to add, but I do.

    First, if you’re not willing to buy a top of the line SD card (SanDisk Extreme), don’t bother. This isn’t an option here. You need quality, dependability and speed. A lifetime warranty doesn’t hurt when you’re exercising an SD card that much. SanDisk is all of that.

    Second, you need to see it working to decide if it is for you. Fortunately, I’m a fan of Windows on SD card for one-off games. I use it for Call of Duty.

    Here - it will show you what the boot process looks like - from power on to playing a full round of Call of Duty MWIII beta. This is on a SanDisk Extreme card, Windows 10 (I recommend 10 over 11). Pretty much best case scenario. If you like it? Go for it. If you don’t? Well, you’ve answered your own question.