My son is an advanced gamer. He is 7 years old. We are traveling to Sweden for Christmas, a Steam Deck is about the only thing he wants that’s small enough to gift at Christmas time. What games to gift in this scenario?

He was beating Monument Valley and all of the Lego themed games at 3 (Star Wars, Batman, etc.). He’s phenomenal at math and puzzles, loves high action games. He is not so hot at reading and literature – role playing, not his thing.

I really need to find something fun for him to play with his cousin in Sweden, I really need help! Are there any two player games on Steam if I get 2 remotes? Cool games that look real that are not profane? My kid obviously has a swtich, but steam deck is a “real” video console to him. Any recommendations are so sincerely appreciated, I cannot explain. Thank you so much in advance!