I hear a lot about the various EVs on the market and their drivetrain/software/ride quality but I rarely hear about the quality of service that comes post-purchase. Perhaps because it’s not an exciting topic.

Which brand would y’all say has the best or worst reputation in the regard? How would you say Chevy compares to Tesla or Hyundai?

  • JVerdie@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    My experience with service from Volvo has been excellent. Had a bunch of minor issues, and they were always thorough and had a loaner for me. Fortunately for me, I haven’t really had any service issues with Nissan - the Leaf has been solid as a rock.

  • sittingmongoose@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    BMW service is phenomenal. They always give you a loaner and will even pick the car up for you. They always find the issue no matter how obscure it might be. They also fix nit picks that most other brands would just tell you to go pound sand.

    I’ve owned about 10 BMWs in the last 20 years. I also get a new car roughly every 6 months so I cycle through a lot of brands. BMW service has ruined all other brands for me in terms of service at least.

      • sittingmongoose@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Yes I like to try new things. Current car is a Volvo xc60 recharge though. Bought it a little over a month ago and hit a deer 3 days in. So it’s been sitting in the shop since I got it :|

  • retiredminion@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I quick scanned a lot of the comments here and many of them are answering your TITLE statement about car brands but the body of your question is about EVs, this is entirely different.

    Experience with past ICE dealer service has little to nothing to do with future EV service. Many big name ICE dealers with great historical reputations are completely incapable of handling significant EV problems at the local dealer level.

    Wonderful supportive delightful annual oil changes do not translate to software, battery pack, diagnostic capabilities. Many dealers do not even have qualified EV service techs.

    Ideally your EV will have few problems. Ironically this is a problem for the dealers because repair is their biggest income source. If you’re looking for best EV service, you need to restrict your comparison to actual EV service.

  • sleeperfbody@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    None of them, but some of them. I live near a huge auto mall owned by one family and have two corporate Hyundai EVs. I’ve owned a Genesis gas product as well. The Genesis and Hyundai have to go to the Hyundai store, which is never a great experience. When I take the Kia to the Kia store across the street, it couldn’t be a better experience. All brands will have stores that suck and some that are great, all under the same brand name.

  • rootusrootus@alien.topB
    10 months ago


    Tesla’s mobile service is handy but the service center work breaks as much as it fixes. Other mainstream manufacturers have that problem a lot of the time too.

  • Keeperofthe7keysAf-S@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    “Best service” depends on your local dealers more than the manufacturer. Quality of parts, how well they handle needing to do recalls, yeah that stuff is the automaker. But Tesla, Rivian and Lucid are really the only ones thus far that service is a manufacturer thing.

  • 68Corvair@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    What type of service are you referring to exactly? Pre, post, maintenance? EVs shouldn’t need as much operating maintenance. A lot of cars are being sold online and not through traditional dealerships.

  • Nefilim314@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Porsche has had amazing service for me. It’s never a big deal to get a loaner car when I take it in for updates and they have complimentary charging.

    I just drove home since my mother is in the hospital. There’s no convenient fast chargers here. I went to the dealer to recharge my car and they didn’t have a fast charger either, but they loaned me a Macan to drive to the hospital, charged my car up on their LV2 charger, then delivered it to the hospital for me. I’d say that’s pretty hard to beat.

  • say592@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I have had three brands of EVs: Chevy, BMW, and now Tesla.

    The Chevy never required service. We barely drove it (it was my wife’s car and she didnt drive much) so it never hit any of the service milestones before we sold it. So sorry, no help there.

    The BMW had several problems and spent a lot of time in the shop. Ultimately a mistake by the shop led to it catching on fire (not the battery or EV components). The BMW experience sucked ass with both of the dealerships I interacted with. I previously had multiple Infiniti vehicles and they were SO MUCH BETTER but had no EVs. 0/10, would not recommend, will never buy another BMW again.

    Tesla’s customer service is supposedly terrible. I havent had to interact with it. I have had a couple of minor service issues and was able to book a mobile tech in the app. I was happy with all of the communication I had with them and having a tech come out to look at it. The experience for me there was great! Ive heard similar things from other owners about the mobile techs. Most of the complaints from from the actual service stations where they take care of the big issues. Unfortunately, I cant recommend Tesla for multiple reasons, the most practical being that I have driven their new vehicles without ultra sonic sensors and they are terrible. Im due for a new car in about a year, and it probably wont be a Tesla.

    Ultimately, the legacy manufacturers already have reputations. Go based on that. Do you have a brand you like? Their EVs are probably fine, just find a dealership that has some experience with it (and make sure their EVs have good reviews, so probably not Toyota).

  • Jimmy-Pesto-Jr@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    in terms of car brands in general, lexus has been leagues ahead - much, much better than toyota (and toyota isnt too bad)

    but the rz450e is getting less than stellar reviews - not from build quality/reliability, but stuff like range, performance, bang for buck

    i dont have experience with german premium brands sucu as merc & porsche to compare lexus against


    i was inquiring local chevy dealers in my area (regarding the bolt EUV) but it seemed lackluster - this was back when new EV inventory were starting to sit, and GM announced they’d kill off the bolt, but hadn’t walked back on their decision - so the mood was in a “get rid of the '23 stock”


    idk if hyundai/genesis improved the quality of their dealership network since releasing their BEVs, but the last time i interacted with them for their ICE/HEV vehicles was like pulling teeth

    it wasn’t just the ICE drivetrain issue, but their service center & staff, the corporate (warranty/claims), not to mention the horrid sales experiences across 3~4 of their dealers back in the mid-2010s - enough to leave the brand & not return, regardless of how good their various ioniq lineups claim to be

    i feel like their sales staff are on a whole new level of unprofessionalism

    as a “light” example, one sales guy lost the keys to a car i was interested in, and i see his manager berate him over losing the keys abt ~20 yards away, and then the manager walks over to me & offers to sell me the car, all w/o me having had the chance to turn the ignition. wtf??

    if this level of incompetence spills over to their BEV sales, i can’t imagine what that’d be like

    i would rather suck on tailpipe exhaust or grab the HV battery contactors than deal w hyundai again


    ended up just getting a tesla, no complaints, nothing to write home about

  • kwbloedo@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    The best service is when you don’t need to go in for service :D

    I’ve owned VW, Audi, and Tesla and have never had a bad service experience, but of them the Audi dealer was the most relaxing as they provided nice loaners for a day or two. I have not gone in for any major Tesla service in 50k miles (just tire rotation), so that may not be a full picture.

  • Cannavor@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    My one experience with service was when my charger broke. Chevrolet bolt. The dealer told me they didn’t have an EV guy until another 5 days, then once I got it checked out they told me it would be another week to get the charger. Luckily that was false and I got it a few days later but I had to go in and wait over an hour for them to test out the charger to see if it worked. I guess the guys wanted some billable hours, I would have preferred to just take my chances and if it was defective come back. The main thing that bothered me though was the dealer trying hard to push these surveys. I got several texts about it and the guy at the service center asked me to do it. He gave me this look, IDK how to explain it but I got the feeling this guy just barely has his shit together and had gotten some bad reviews or something and it was almost a pleading look but one also filled with resentment. It must be hell to work in that sort of corporate environment.

  • _do_it_myself@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Depends a ton on your local dealer. My Audi service experience is awful but everyone seems surprised by that based on experience with other locations