Some errors from video (not too bad): At 2:38 alternative to “dunst” is “mako”!!! pkgs.wl-clipboard, not pkgs.wl-copy

# Enabling hyprlnd on NixOS
programs.hyprland.enable = true;
programs.hyprland = {
  enable = true;
  nvidiaPatches = true;
  xwayland.enable = true;

environment.sessionVariables = {
  # If your cursor becomes invisible
  # Hint electron apps to use wayland

hardware = {
    # Opengl
    opengl.enable = true;

    # Most wayland compositors need this
    nvidia.modesetting.enable = true;

# waybar
(pkgs.waybar.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
    mesonFlags = oldAttrs.mesonFlags ++ [ "-Dexperimental=true" ];

# XDG portal
xdg.portal.enable = true;
xdg.portal.extraPortals = [ pkgs.xdg-desktop-portal-gtk ];

# Enable sound with pipewire.
sound.enable = true;
security.rtkit.enable = true;
services.pipewire = {
  enable = true;
  alsa.enable = true;
  alsa.support32Bit = true;
  pulse.enable = true;
  jack.enable = true;

# rofi keybind
bind = $mainMod, S, exec, rofi -show drun -show-icons