I wrote a library that lets you cycle through the available themes in Emacs. F10 and shift-F10 keys will cycle forward and backward through the themes. The theme name is printed for reference.


Download theme-cycle.el into ~/.emacs.d.

Add the following to your Emacs configuration

(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d)
(require 'theme-cycle)
;; Load as many themes as you are interested in exploring.
(use-package doom-themes)
(use-package ef-themes)
(use-package modus-themes)
(use-package solarized-themes)

To Use

Use F10 to cycle forward through the themes. Use shift-F10 to cycle backward through the themes.

  • 00-11@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Cycling shows everything in your session using each theme, in turn.

    doremi-custom-themes+ is an interactive Lisp function in doremi-cmd.el.

    It is bound to C-x t s.

    (doremi-custom-themes+ &optional FLIP)

    Successively cycle among custom themes.

    The themes used for cycling are those in option doremi-custom-themes.

    You can use C-g to quit and cancel changes made so far. Note, however, that some things might not be restored. C-g can only disable any themes that you applied. It cannot restore other customizations that enabling a theme might have overruled. Note: Having a lot of frames present can slow down this command considerably.

    Option doremi-custom-themes-accumulate-flag determines whether cycling accumulates themes or disables all themes other than the current one. Note: A non-nil value (accumulating) can considerably slow down cycling.

    Option doremi-themes-update-flag determines whether the updated value of doremi-custom-themes is saved. A prefix arg to this command flips the option value for the current invocation of the command.