So I recently switched to All Linux, All The Time. No real complaints. But back in my windows days, I more or less realized that Fusion 360 really is That Damned Good. Basically every aspect and feature is intuitive in ways that just seem wrong for a CAD tool

It looks like I can use wine and some funky scripts to run a significantly older build and… I might do that. Or I’ll go back to tinkercad. And, obviously, FreeCAD is what I should use and FreeCAD might have the worst UX on the planet.

Are there any good middle ground tools? Not quite as good as FreeCAD but works on linux/wine? Or am I gonna get my TinkerCAD on?


    1 year ago

    I can agree with you that FreeCAD has a terrible UX and isn’t intuitive. With that said FreeCAD is a powerful tool to use especially for the price.

    If you wanna try it here’s my workflow for a new doc:

    1. Open a new Project

    2. Go to Part Design Work Bench

    3. Follow the Task Suggestions of, Make New Part (blue stair case), then create a new sketch

    4. When making a sketch make the entire shape, White Lines are what will be projected, Blue Construction lines are not

    5. Exit the sketch and pad it out

    6. Build off the existing sketch faces and start new sketch

    7. goto step 4 until the entire shape is done

    FreeCad to Fusion 360 is like Gimp to Photoshop. They both do the same thing, but the workflow is different. While FreeCAD does have it’s flaws, and trust me I’ve seen a large amount of them especially on large CAD designs with multiple parts. I honestly prefer it since it works no matter the OS I am on.