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The original was posted on /r/newzealand by /u/DinaDinaDinaBatman on 2024-01-04 19:58:36.

Look, i know you don’t know me from a bar of soap, maybe some of you recognise me as the guy who annoyingly always answers with page long anecdotal diatribes likening a pondered question or experience to things in my own past, but i’m no r/newzealand elite like u/paulfknwalsh or the many constants in the sub, i’m just a subreddit salaryman, i turn up everyday and do what i do, answer a question, share an anecdote, if i’ve had similar experiences then i chime in, i don’t look to be edgy or stand out or controversial, i just like hearing from you guys and having the opportunity to speak to you… even if no one reads or cares what i have to say… after all who am i? no one cares.

The reason for this post is simple, over the last few … well lets face it, for as long as i can remember r/newzealand has been turning into a sub about “how shit NZ is” , how bad it is in the auckland cbd, how much crime is on the rise, how politicians are making it worse, every post is reporting a crime, talking about politics, housing market, and its getting worse… over the christmas break they removed all posts even mentioning keywords around politics, and at least we got less of that for a few days… but i gotta wonder, all the visitors to r/newzealand that aren’t from here… what must they think… that NZ is not such a great place after all, sure we’re no angels but you have to admit, when out in the rest of the reddit world, hearing someone say something nice about NZ is awesome…then coming on r/newzealand is depressing…

a couple days ago i saw a post about how a person stopped going to the nzherald and the likes every morning before they started their day… and that it improved their day, i did this too, i used to turn my laptop on, and lay in bed for the first 20 minutes of the day scanning so i could have conversational topics to talk about with people throughout the day, but a side effect was it was just always bad news, and that effects you… the post i read said don’t do that, cut news out of your day, certainly not every day as the first thing you do, i did that and i noticed my state of mind improved immediately…

so… now im gonna try unsubbing from r/newzealand and r/auckland for a while just to see if it improves my mood… why should you care? well maybe if you feel the same way, you try it too? rather than sit here and absorb the ever increasing hate and negativity…