I made a bookmarklet for creating “image gallery” posts from shota.nu, inspired by @[email protected]’s Helpful ShotaNu Cat script. Mine isn’t nearly as featureful, but it doesn’t require any browser extensions to use.

Just create a new bookmark and paste this code into the URL field:

javascript: (() => {
	const shotaNuUrl = "https://shota.nu/";

	if(window.location.href !== shotaNuUrl) {
		alert("Only works on " + shotaNuUrl);

	let uploadsDiv = document.getElementById("uploads");

	if(uploadsDiv.childElementCount < 1) {
		alert("Upload some files first");

	let fileDivs = uploadsDiv.getElementsByClassName("upload");
	let galleryItems = [];

	for(const fd of fileDivs) {
		let imgUrl = fd.firstChild.firstChild.href;
		imgUrl = imgUrl.replace(shotaNuUrl, shotaNuUrl + "ss/");


On shota.nu, after you’ve uploaded your images, click on the bookmark to run the script. An alert box will pop up with markdown code. Copy the markdown into your post on burggit, and you’re all set.