What’s a good, relaxing PS5 game to while away the time? My ex used The Sims, a lot of people use Animal Crossing. I only have a PC and a PS5, and sometimes it’s nice to cuddle up on the couch under a blanket in this cold weather.

So far one I’ve considered while browsing the recent sales is Cities:Skylines, but not sure how it plays with a controller. And I haven’t see Stardew Valley have a sale pop up yet, but that sounds relaxing as well. I have no other ideas lol.

  • TheDonkerZ@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    Outer Wilds, 100%. It might be missing the mark a little bit by the end, but it never demands anything more than your curiosity to discover. More than likely, it will make you want to explore every nook and cranny.

    And definitely go in completely blind and enjoy the story.

    Ninja edit: Outer Wilds is absolutely phenomenal, my comment about it missing the mark is purely based on you looking for a chill game. It is very chill all the way through, until you really start digging in and it wants you to explore everything.