Palworld is essentially Pokemon with guns.

You catch animals and then force them to fight other animals just like Pokemon. However in Palworld you can make your Pals work in your camp and you sell them and kill and eat them.

It’s these last two points that people are rushing to the internet to call out.

You see it’s also possible to catch humans in Palworld.

Once caught you can make your human do everything you can make a Pal do. Even sell them, and they’re very valuable.

The game does say that catching and enslaving humans is considered inhumane in Palworld but once you ignore that message you have your very own human servant that will fetch a good price once sold.

As you can imagine there are those that are getting all worked up over a game that “promotes human trafficking” and “slavery.”

But they have all forgotten the most important point.

They aren’t real people. You can’t enslave a video game character.

Now obviously if you did it real life that’s a whole other issue but doing it in a game is not a problem.

At least the police haven’t gotten involved yet unlike the case of the police in the UK actually spending money and resources investigating a rape that took place in a VR game which is just as ridiculous as it sounds.

Now I’m off to create my very own human army in Palworld.