Mastercard has told financial institutions to stop allowing marijuana transactions on its debit cards, dealing a blow to an industry already on the fringes of the financial system in the United States.
If you want a reasonable argument, then you need to provide one, too. But you came at me with “what a terrible take” and accused me of defending corporations, then deliberately ignored all the comments I wrote clarifying this was not the case, so why exactly should I respond to you with anything other than condemnation and name calling? If anything I’ve been too polite.
But yeah cry up a storm because someone called you mean names lmao. Totally not a complete baby.
Nice name calling. Really proves how reasonable you are.
Once again, fuck off. I’m done wasting time on you.
If you want a reasonable argument, then you need to provide one, too. But you came at me with “what a terrible take” and accused me of defending corporations, then deliberately ignored all the comments I wrote clarifying this was not the case, so why exactly should I respond to you with anything other than condemnation and name calling? If anything I’ve been too polite.
But yeah cry up a storm because someone called you mean names lmao. Totally not a complete baby.