The Google Maps app for Android has, for years now, had the same old voice input that’s slow and not as accurate as Google’s latest offerings. Finally that’s changing, as Google Maps is rolling out a new voice input experience powered by Google Assistant.
Maybe the opposite? Ten years ago it understood everything, now it’s a 80% chance of “sorry, I didn’t understand”
Could have been a patent issue or some weird shit?
Like I think Apple for example had some headphones that did a super awesome noise cancellation but suddenly in a update it got worse and it was although not sure if publically confirmed to the fact it was breaking some patent and they had to introduce workarounds.
No, because if you go on you can see what you said, and often it shows exactly what you said. Probably they want to make it look smarter to have some hard coded smart responses instead of just reading a summary of a Google search, but it fails miserably all the times