Below is a compilation of terms and definitions commonly encountered during studies of the Junkosreich era.

Arkhangelsky, Pavel: The Ultimate Marxist-Leninist. Was once part of the Literature Club and aided in the radicalization of its members. Later invited to Hope’s Peak Academy and trapped in the First Killing Game.

Army Group Commander: A Red Army position commanding an army group, equivalent to a Future Foundation Field Marshal or an Imperium Bashar.

Battle of Hope’s Peak Academy: Largest and last battle in the Verzweiflungkrieg. Saw the end of the Imperium as well as the death of the Tyrant.

Battle of Moscow: A battle taking place in Moscow between the Imperium general Alscaen Miller and the Red Army AGC Kyoko Kirigiri. Ended with a Red Army victory.

Bashar: An Imperium position in command of an army group, similar to a Red Army Army Group Commander or a Future Foundation Field Marshal. Not to be confused with Mukuro Ikusaba, the Grand Bashar.

Crysknife: a rare milky-white crystalline knife obtained by Mukuro Ikusaba from a middle-eastern spice dealer. Capable of cutting notches in fibersteel.

Deep Battle Doctrine: A military doctrine developed by the Soviet Union that was utilized heavily by Duncan Illinois during his wars against the Imperium military.

Despair Priests: Preists of the Imperium who carried out rituals.

Despair Speakers: an elite Imperium military unit that were extremely adept at combat. They often also performed the fuction of Despair Priests.

Enoshima, Junko: Also known as Jalib Alyas, Bringer of the Change, The Tyrant. Prescient Mentat-accelerationist who designed the Golden Path and ruled the Imperium of Despair for most of its existence.

Fedaykin: Red Army elites, Dare-to-Die corps.

First Killing Game: The killing game hosted by Monokuma in Hope’s Peak Academy.

Future Foundation: A bourgeoisie paramilitary organization dedicated to both the opposition of both the Red Army and the Imperium of Despair.

Grand Battleplan: A military doctrine focused on extensive planning and preparation. Noted for its use by Kyoko Kirigiri.

Grand Bashar: An Imperium position that not only commanded more troops than a normal Bashar, but also performed various ceremonial tasks. The only Grand Bashar was Mukuro Ikusaba.

Golden Path: a path devised by the Tyrant to throw the world into socialism. It differed from traditional accelerationism in actually working due to requiring immense prescience.

Hearts of Iron IV(OOC): A game that I got most of my military ‘knowledge’ for this fanfiction from.

Ikusaba, Mukuro: Imperium Grand Bashar, sister of the Tyrant. Dueled Duncan Illinois on multiple occasions. Noted for her expertise with the Mechanized Warfare Doctrine.

Illinois, Duncan: Former member of the Literature club. Expert swordsman and Red Army General, noted for his expertise with the Deep Battle doctrine.

Imperium of Despair: An Ultra-neoliberal State Fascist state that existed during the Verzweiflungkrieg. Its main enemies were the Red Army and Future Foundation.

Jalib Alyas: ‘Bringer of Despair’. See also ‘Enoshima, Junko’.

Junkosreich: Another common name for the Imperium of Despair.

Kirigiri, Kyoko: Red Army AGC, noted for her use of the Grand Battleplan doctrine.

Lasart: common name for Lockheed-Martin laser artillery.

Lasgun: A gun that fired a concentrated beam of light to destroy a target.

Lockheed-Martin: a corporation that was essentially forced under state control during the Imperium era.

Mechanized Warfare: a military doctrine focused on using speed and maneuver to cut off and disorganize enemy forces. Noted for its use by Mukuro Ikusaba.

Mentat: an individual capable of powerful mental calculations. They formed Projection-predictions that were generally extremely accurate.

Microsoft Ix: another name for the microsoft company, which produced electronics for the Imperium.

Monomark: the main currency of the Imperium. Hyperinflation rendered it mostly worthless–by the time of the Imperium’s collapse, a single monomark was worth 1/10^35 of its original value.

Naegi, Komaru: sister of General Makoto Naegi of the Red Army, member of the Fedaykin and lasgun adept.

Naegi, Makoto: Red Army General noted for his use of the Superior Firepower military doctrine.

Natsuki: a former member of the Literature Club who later joined the Red Army.

Ornithopter: experimental aircraft of the Imperium that had vibrating wings, similar to that of a dragonfly.

Padishah Kaiserin: the title for the leader of the Imperium of Despair. See also ‘Enoshima, Junko’.

Reserve Army of Despair: Also known simply as the Reserves. A large and disorganized military force mainly used as cannon fodder by the Imperium military.

Sayori: Former member of the Literature Club who joined the Red Army.

Superior Firepower Doctrine: a military doctrine focused on throwing shells, not men at the enemy. Noted for its use by Makoto Naegi.

Tyrant, the: See also ‘Enoshima, Junko’

Verzweiflung Waffe SS: Elite military unit of the Imperium. Used mainly as a glorified police force.

Verzweiflungkrieg: The War of Despair

Woolgathering: the act of wandering off on a train of thought. Dangerous for mentats.

Yuri: Former member of the Literature Club. Famous communist thinker and writer.