Not that I mind, but… wearing shoes has a purpose… and the most important one IMO is to make sure our feet stay harms way from broken bottles, nails, stuff like that.

I’m not even gonna get into how cold it must be not wearing them in the winter… or how hot the asfalt might get during the summer. The asfalt can go up to 80, 90°C where I live during the summer, people have fried eggs on it for kicks.

    7 months ago

    I doubt that there’s any real benefit to walking barefoot. There seems to be very little science to support it that I can find, but I’d be interested to see if anyone can find some.

    I question the benefits mostly because it’s well known by historians that before the invention of modern shoes, most people walked very differently than we do now. Heel-to-toe walking basically didn’t exist until modern thick-soled shoes became commonplace, and instead toe-to-heel or rather ball-of-the-foot-to-heel was the norm.

    If you’re going to walk barefoot, make sure you learn how to walk barefoot safely. Here’s a pretty good video about how to do it correctly: