Is there anybody whose had experience with both?

I’m trying to decide if I want to go back to Manjaro or get into Endeavour.

    1 year ago

    Endeavour is as close as you can get to pure Arch with a GUI installer + pretty neat QOL features OOTB (reflector to update mirrors, the AUR’s already installed and ready to go, etc). 90% of what applies to vanilla Arch applies to Endeavour when it comes to fixes, and the community is super helpful and friendly in my experience. It’s kinda light on stuff when compared to other ready to go Linux Distros, but hey, that just means less pre-installed apps you either never use or have to uninstall

    Manjaro is an Arch based distro that kinda sucks at being an Arch based distro (essentially, the updates are held back by a couple of weeks for better and worse, WIP packages sometimes slip through to the repos and can cause problems to your system, and you can forget about using the AUR–or well, you can, but the AUR and Manjaro are nortorious for not playing nice with one another). Troubleshooting the thing tested my patience personally, because like someone else here said: it basically found a unique way to break itself every time I updated the system and I just got…tired, eventually. Manjaro also comes with basically everything you could possibly need pre-installed and then some, so that’s neat if you’re not in the mood to hunt down all your apps.

    If you’re cool with using the terminal to update, install stuff (or you could also install pamac or Octopi, nothing’s stopping you, and it works) and troubleshoot, try Endeavour. You can make it exactly like Manjaro without the defects with a bit of work if you want

    If you don’t mind being extra careful with what you install (really that’s standard practice, but hey, I’ve never found a WIP package anywhere other than Manjaro, so make of that what you will), are willing to tolerate constant mild to severe breakage, and just using Flatpaks and appimages over the AUR, go with Manjaro