The Department of Energy approved new rules for light bulbs last year that will take effect on August 1, including a new minimum standard for light bulbs at 45 lumens—or brightness—per watt, an increase over the average 12 to 18 lumens per watt for incandescent bulbs.

    1 year ago

    I do really love LEDs but still really dislike the government telling me what to do.

    If they absolutely had to force restrictions on us, I would think forcing big tobacco out of business would be more relevant (burning things -> bad for their imagined climate stuff vs vapes plus less pollution e.g. from discarded cigarette butts and ash, known long standing and severe/fatal health issues in line with other carcinogens that have precedents for being banned such as aspestas banned from building materials in the '70s, modern tobacco plants have been modified to have more nicotine to increase addiction similar to illegal drugs)… Couldn’t be anything to do with them making assloads of money in kickbacks from tobacco companies and sales taxes or with big pharma making money from smoking cessation drugs tho. I’m sure there’s no similar monetary reasons why they trying to force incandescents out /s