I very much dislike troons mostly bc

  1. (((certain people))) keep trying to normalize them
  2. they expect us to buy in to their delusions
  3. they bitch if we don’t memorize and use their soynouns
  4. loud and annoying
  5. they infiltrate and co-opt communities
  • 472 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • By definition liberalism wants to take away power from current governments.

    Not sure if you are from outside of the US? Have heard the term “liberal” here vs elsewhere means different things

    In the US, “liberals” (with the exception of anarchists) generally want MORE government. Things like more welfare and aid programs, more government regulations, some want government owned business, etc.

    We usually call people who don’t want as much government as “Libertarians”.

  • Fair enough, I’m not wholesale against the concept. I personally am in favor of at least some building and utility regulations, especially considering things like what happened in Merrimack Valley in 2018.

    At the same time, where should the line be drawn? And to what extent should government be allowed to decide these things without direct agreement from the people (e.g. in the absence of a direct and obvious danger, should deciding that something needs licensing/regulation in the first place be decided by a government or by a ballot option?). Are there cases where government has overstepped their bounds (some argue that restricting full auto, flame thrower, silencers, etc to people who register and pay exorbitant fees to the ATF is unconstitutional as it prevents citizens from being able to resist the military in the event of tyranny and makes it so that only known, wealthy individuals can do so without courting prison sentences).

    If one wants to be a barber, they need a license. If one wants to hunt practically anything these days - even fish - then you are required to purchase a license. Depending on how and what you wish to do, licensing costs can vary wildly (a basic fishing license is generally pretty cheap but if you’d like to go bow-fishing, it might be disallowed by the state or much pricier to do so, despite the fact that it is often more difficult and also requires more expensive gear)

    Many states even regulate rain water collection, which IMO is pretty fucking stupid.

  • Fair point of view I guess.

    OTOH, I used to more or less do just that (criticizing their views without name calling, etc) in a very civil and p.c. way even. But I was still called Nazi / racist / transphobe over stupid shit like only expressing the view that affirmative-action and “promoting minorities first” doesn’t help minorities in the long term as it isn’t merit-based and both encourages the view that they can’t perform equally without help and adding resentment for “stealing” a merit-based spot… both of which further increases the divide.

    Similar results when pointing out to reddit mods that they could just have a sticky thread or sister sub for rainbow folks instead of changing banner for pride month. Even leaving pride month aside, there were non-lgbt subs that keep rainbow banner around for long periods outside of pride month to “punish bigots” and other stupid shit but also confused new users who started thinking the non-lgbt sub was about lgbt even though it was just woke mods on a power trip.

    You know why nobody gives a shit that some people have brown eyes vs green eyes so on or moles on their neck, etc? Cuz they’re so unremarkable. If people want racism to end, then they need to quit talking about race. They want to help poor blacks? Do something that helps ALL poor people and it will still help poor blacks.

    At this point, I’m of the mind they gonna hate you no matter what unless you agreeing with them. If you can do it without name calling, then I respect you. But I don’t think they’ll hate me a whole lot more than they already do lol.

  • Yeah, I’ve heard those claims too. Problem is that I would like to sell my house but didn’t get around to it before Biden fucked up the economy. If we got someone good in and they turned things around, I would love to gtfo and find a new house further from the city and traffic.

    But I’m not in a rush to sell at a loss. In the mean time, I’m trying to focus on my savings.

    Anyway, most of the solar panels I’ve looked at are either cheapo Chino ones that will probably crap out fast or else they’re quick to point out that “pay for itself in 10y” thing and have a big price tag to match… But somehow everytime I look up photovoltaic cells in the past, I see all this stuff about them having found this and that way to decrease price. Not sure if they just need to keep working on that cost cutting or there’s some greedy fuckers that are gatekeeping the tech until you pay the “ransom” fee.