Are posts/communities about aerospace in general acceptable, or is it restricted to just aviation?

Example topics: rocketry, spacecraft, drones…

    1 year ago

    Not an admin/mod but rocketry, spacecraft and especially drones are still aviation. If it flies, it should be here in my opinion.

    11 months ago

    Consider how idiotic it would be to have separate government-administrations for aircraft & spacecraft … who fly through airspace on the way up, and down!

    The correct divisions for transport should be something sorta-like:

    • Sky, space, mil
    • Sky, space, civilian, research
    • Sky, space, civilian, commercial
    • Sky, space, civilian, hobby
    • Sky, air, mil
    • Sky, air, civilian, research
    • Sky, air, commercial, high altitude ( requiring a radar-altimeter )
    • Sky, air, commercial, below that
    • Sky, air, general aviation
    • Sky, air, sailplanes
    • Sky, air, powered 'chutes, etc
    • Sky, air, unpowered 'chutes
    • Waters, mil
    • Waters, civilian, research
    • Waters, powered
    • Waters, sail
    • Waters, human-powered
    • Land, mil
    • Land, Powered
    • Land, e-assist
    • Land, human-powered

    …or something like that.

    ( the different powerplants should have their own categories of regulations, but under the same umbrella regime, sort-of a fractal-system of legislation, for clarity, like programming-modules, see? Limit scope to what that module covers. )

    It is best to have the right granularity: “Aviation” is FAR too coarse a granularity.

    I want AviationGovt as a separate category, so it is not cluttering-up other views, AND so it is easily-findable, see?

    Same with GeneralAviation, or RegionalAviation ( which includes many issues that the big aerodromes don’t have, like unpaved strips, or weird weather-conditions among remote places, or whatever, and oft have older aircraft, too )…

    on I’d think it sanest to have a Space community, possibly separate ones for SpaceLaunches SpaceViewing ( people usually do more viewing than flying, right?
    Astronomy is a “gateway drug” for some cubesat freaks : ) Space-Policy ( legal, international, politics, etc )

    THESE ARE JUST IDEAS so dice 'em up however you want, eh?

    ( :