I had a good Sunday lunch at the pub and a relaxed afternoon yesterday, have a relatively sane looking week lined up at work and then out for an outdoor Shakespeare play (rain permitting) on Friday.

  • TeaHands@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    From an outsider perspective, I did basically nothing at all this weekend. Stayed in, wore pyjamas, watched tv and pottered on my laptop.

    But really we finished catching up on all Futurama ever so now we can watch the new episodes. I made good progress on making my game dev project a bit prettier. And I made a spreadsheet of everything we need to pack for holiday on Friday including how many craft projects I can justify taking. Might have to leave the Steam Deck home though, alas. Also fixed a bit of fraying on some me-made giant palazzo pants.

    So really it was a productive weekend, just not from anyone else’s point of view!

    Absolutely dreading this week. Quite apart from the laundry juice incident I already made a post about, it’s just gonna be hectic trying to get everything ready for hols while also getting ahead of myself work-wise. I spy some late nights incoming.

    (Just as I went to hit post, some ridiculous noise started up from next door. Some kind of sanding tool perhaps? It’s very loud and kind of whiney and oh lord this is gonna be a bad day)

      • TeaHands@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Thanks, I’ve done a few tiny game jam type games but this is my first attempt to make something “real” so we’ll see. It’s an interesting learning curve in a new engine, if nothing else!