• SatanicNotMessianic@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    Oh, he could actually get in trouble for this one. He’s sort of tanked a big part of his reputation already through the Twitter disaster, the WV market leveling, the questions about reliability, robustness, and FSD, and the rolling disaster that is Cybertruck.

    I don’t mean a “go to jail for treason” kind of trouble. I mean “Pay $500M and turn over full control of the government part of your network to the DoD” kind of trouble.

    SpaceX lives almost entirely by eating the government cheese, right? They’re launching our satellites and I think they’re taking research funding. I read an article the other day that they’re losing a significant amount on every new private customer they add to the network.

    I wonder how much of that bleeding is payed for by the governments paying to use their services, or outright bribe them.