I don’t know if this is the right place for this, but I need to rant.

There’s talk at my workplace for changing how they pay us for snow callout. Currently management checks the weather and will put crews on standby during their days off if it will snow. Of course if you get called during the time you are on standby you have to return to work. You are guaranteed 4 hours of work/pay when called. If they didn’t put you on standby and called you for snow you may return to work getting paid an extra hour more than being on standby status. You are also guaranteed the 4 hours work/pay. There is also no requirement to show up if they didn’t put you on standby.

The new system is a “Snow Fighters” premium pay that replaces the standby/callback pay. Basically paid the equivalent of being on standby for every weekend during the snow season. That ends up being about 4k. However, you are in essence on standby for the whole season now and now it’s my responsibility to check the weather and plan to return to work. There are also no minimums if called. Potentially bad scenarios of being called and sent home and being called again with no compensation.

I’m absolutely frustrated with my co-workers who only see the money and don’t seem to care about the company owning us for 5 months of the year. I have argued my position about the no guarantee time when called as well as scenarios where you could leave town to visit family and such because you weren’t put on standby and were safe even if a freak storm came in and they called. Now you would be disciplined for missing in that scenario.

My time and mental health is worth more. Unfortunately half of our department doesn’t agree with me.