The shit that gets spread about him might be the most cartoonishly evil sounding things like being responsible for every famine in every Socialist country and thinking genes weren’t real. Anyone have any good sources about the man and his work?

    1 year ago

    He is not evil per say but he had some weirdo theories which says natural selection, theory of survival of the fittest can be bypassed by Marxism. Hence all the wrong proponents of genetics came about and was applied by the soviet government through and through. Frankly speaking I don’t care much, 3rd world Marxism had lots of problems and deficiencies but that doesn’t mean they were born evil. During Naxal years in India, communists thought rock music and modern pop is a bourgeois conspiracy to subvert communism and socialism and people were scolded/beaten for that. Similarly pre 21st century socialism was somewhat negative towards LGBT movement of US/west. I remember my communist father strictly advised me not to watch morally degrading English music videos in 2000s. It’s kinda like that.