also bar users under the age of 18 from accessing the internet from 10pm to 6am.

Meanwhile, a tiered system will mean those under the age of eight will be permitted a maximum of 40 minutes of usage a day, with up to two hours permitted for 16 and 17-year-olds.

Children aged between eight to 16 will have their time limit capped at one hour. ‘Teenager mode’

The proposed reforms are open to public feedback as part of a consultation process scheduled to run until Sept 2.

    1 year ago

    There are so many useful ways to let people flourish by following their passions.

    You know that’s sort of the opposite of how China operates, right? I mean, to be fair they have 1.4 BILLION people and a very centrally-planned authoritarian government that doesn’t have much flexibility. When the Chinese government is doing their planning they’ll often designate entire regions of the country like, “these folks will be textile workers” or “these folks will be farmers”. The last thing they want is for any large number of people to “follow their passions” because it would completely screw up their plans!

    I’m sure they expect–and hope–some useful deviants emerge from their centrally-planned education and economy but I’m positive they’d prefer it if at least 99.9% of the population just falls in line.