Even if they are using fake cigarettes that smoke can’t be healthy to inhale, right?

  • SupraMario@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Anything that says nicotine is as addictive as fucking morphine is bullshit. Your chart doesn’t even have a source on top of it. Also, am I reading this correctly that weed has a very low lethal dose? As in not much of it will kill you? Who did this study? Some christian mother?


    Implication: Tobacco products are likely more dependence forming than NR products and coffee although there might be more people dependent on caffeine. The addiction to coffee or caffeine is seldom discussed in the society probably because of the little or no harm it causes.

    NR = nicotine Replacement.

    Tobacco is hard to quit because of the habit forming part of it, not the nicotine.

    I’ve been smoking cigars/pipe tobacco for over a decade now. I literally will just stop smoking usually in the summer when it’s to hot outside. I don’t have any urge to smoke, in fact it’s the opposite because of the heat it makes me not want to smoke.

    So no nicotine is not this super addictive substance that the anti-tobacco groups love to portray it as, it sure as fuck isn’t as addictive as fucking morphine or more addictive than fucking cocaine…like holy shit really?

    • bustrpoindextr@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Also, am I reading this correctly that weed has a very low lethal dose? As in not much of it will kill you?

      No, you are not reading that correctly. It’s a ratio derived from the amount needed to achieve desired effects vs the amount that can kill you, so the higher the number the more dangerous it is.

      So this chart states that marijuana is pretty safe, in fact if you just looked at the other drugs on the chart you probably could’ve figured out you weren’t reading it correctly.