I got banned from Reddit originally because they didn’t like that I would never accept their lies about how men could be women or women could be men. I just won’t accept or perpetrate such lies and bullshit.

Later I was banned from the next two accounts for ban evasion but was able to get around it quite easily (ironic that they care so much about ‘Ban evasion’ yet they’ll allow Tor to have free access to the site).

I continued on the next few accounts but eventually I left for good after the last ban because I was just tired of having to talk like a stupid cuck on there and kiss up to lefties to avoid getting the account banned or being sent to Karma purgatory (when your karma is too low to post/comment and you get rate limited to hell). Then I found Lemmy and exploding-heads.com and well here I am now.

In total I went though 17 Reddit Accounts, 13 of them on Tor because it would autoban me otherwise.

  • Alice@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    Dam dude I’m sorry. Yea I just got done with a 3 day ban so now I just give generic answers if I am on there.

    Well we are happy to have you