Coincidentally, it was only 1 day before he was scheduled to make his deposition against Boeing.

    6 months ago

    Maybe the only form of justice the whistleblower felt was still possible in this late stage capitalist hell was making Boeing look even shadier than it already does by making his suicide happen at an extremely suspicious time because he knew both that Boeing and the people in charge there will never face true consequences for the murder they have already committed by slashing safety measures and also that Boeing would gladly murder him for being a whistleblower if they knew they could without a doubt get away with it.

    That is the story I will choose to ponder while simultaneously giving a space to a sense of unknowing that I can never understand how hard it must be for someone who chooses to end their life because they feel in that moment it is the path of least suffering, without being there myself, living that life.

    I think for someone in an extreme position of being a whistleblower for a massive US company with the defense industry well behind it, the meaning of what the truth is begins to depart from an evaluation of the literal facts and into a realm of the narratives that are allowed to exist by the status quo and the narratives that aren’t and what you can do to fight the injustice that maintains the violence of that filter.

    My point being, the least important question of the murder case here is whether Boeing actually pulled the trigger of the handgun or not in the same way the least important question about Aaron Swartz is what material the sheets were that he used to hang himself with, he was murdered, the fact that it was by his own hands is tangential to the vital truth of the matter.