• PizzaMan@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Just my personal impression from having lived in urban leftist areas. I’m not including anyone who’s keyed into politics, just the other 80%.

    It’s generally unwise to base your arguments off of anecdotes.

    We’re talking about illegals here, not normal immigrants.

    There is little difference between the two. Both are human, both are trying to escape danger, etc.

    When somebody’s very first act on American soil is to break the law, that person is a criminal with no regard for civility.

    It’s a misdemeanor, so you are severely exaggerating the severity of the crime. And most often they do so because America has destroyed their country and are seeking refuge. If civility was important, perhaps the U.S. should have thought twice about destabilizing Latin American countries, destabilizing entire ecosystems, and sucking the natural resources of these countries dry.

    Compassion is appropriate when they remain in their home countries, fighting against their oppressors.

    That’s very easy for somebody to say who has never experienced what it is like to have your family and loved ones in danger for simply existing in one of the countries they are trying to escape from.

    Legal immigrants, who I hope have been carefully vetted for American values, are welcome to share our blessed home and our Judeo-Christian values and rugged individualism. Illegal immigrants, otoh, are by definition not.

    Legal immigration takes years and thousands of dollars, per person. How is that a reasonable expectation for a family who has nothing but the clothes on their backs, and are actively being hunted by cartels, loan sharks, etc? If it were me, I would do the same as them and cross the border illegally if it meant me and my family would be safe, and I suspect you would too unless you have no self preservation.

    If your choices were between your child starving, and committing a misdemeanor, the right thing to do is to feed your child. Just because a law exists doesn’t mean it is moral. Jesus knew that.

    • 10A@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      It’s generally unwise to base your arguments off of anecdotes.

      I wholeheartedly disagree. Most of what we know is from our own personal experiences. It’s important to be transparent that an anecdote is just an anecdote, but there’s nothing unwise about basing an argument off one, provided the anecdotal source is transparent.

      There is little difference between the two. Both are human, both are trying to escape danger, etc.

      There’s a world of difference.

      A legal immigrant generally comes to the US because they’re a Christian escaping persecution, and they believe “liberty or death” — American values. They are the kind of people who are law-abiding, and patriotic.

      Illegals are a different type altogether. They’re willing to break the law either because they’re hardened criminals or because they come from a society with such lawlessness that they have no real conception of law.

      I think many Americans on the Left fail to grasp this difference because they don’t own ANY American flags, and they willfully break the law frequently — smoking pot, speeding when they drive, jaywalking, etc. The conservative personality type that’s actually a law-abiding Christian is completely foreign to the stereotypical leftist. So if that’s your perspective, you don’t see a difference because you’re not an American at heart.

      It’s a misdemeanor, so you are severely exaggerating the severity of the crime.

      Anyone willing to break the law is a criminal. Someone willing to break into another country and break the law there, is the bottom of the barrel. I don’t care what category of crime it is. If you think some laws are okay to break, you’re absolutely wrong.

      […] because America has destroyed their country […]

      Cry me a river. I don’t support US military aggression overseas, but at the same time people need to stand up and fight in their own country instead of running away. Cowards have no place in American culture.

      That’s very easy for somebody to say who has never experienced what it is like to have your family and loved ones in danger for simply existing in one of the countries they are trying to escape from.

      I have some Jewish ancestors who died in the holocaust. If they’d been armed, and fought back, they’d have died respectable deaths, and there’d have been no concentration camps. I find it hard to sympathize with any man who doesn’t fight like a man.

      Legal immigration takes years and thousands of dollars, per person. How is that a reasonable expectation […]

      If I had it my way (and let us both be grateful that American policy is not solely in the hands of any single individual like myself), the US would grant legal immigration to less than ten people per year, maximum. The borders would be completely shut down, and once you leave you can never return. Anyone trying to enter the country (except those ten or fewer legal immigrants) would be deported by means of a catapult.

      Just because a law exists doesn’t mean it is moral. Jesus knew that.

      I offer you Romans 13:1-2:

      Every person is to be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.

      Now to be fair, there’s also Acts 5:29, which says:

      But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.

      But that only applies to scenarios in which God has directly commanded someone to break the law of man. Show me a case of an illegal immigrant claiming God specifically ordered him to do something requiring illegal entry into the US, and I’d advocate for asylum. I’ve never heard of that particular scenario, but sure there’s a non-zero chance it could happen.

      • thepixelfox@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        First of all, the thing that fried my brain. What on earth does owning flags have to do with who commits crimes?

        Second of all, this is one of the most hateful, vile things I have ever read. Very unchristian of you. I thought you said Christians were inclusive and accepting, clearly you aren’t. Repent you heathen Satan worshiper. Literally condemning people to death and feeling proud of yourself for being a ‘high and mighty Christian.’ Isn’t pride a sin, cause ego goes along with pride, and you sir. Are full of it.

        • 10A@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          I’m sorry, what’s hateful about what I wrote? You could have at least explained that before ranting about it.

          Sorry for “frying your brain”. Patriotic Americans own flags, hoist them, and fly them, showing respect for our neighbors and law and order. It may seem unrelated to being a law-abiding citizen if you’re not part of the culture.

          • PizzaMan@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            I’m sorry, what’s hateful about what I wrote? You could have at least explained that before ranting about it.

            You would rather people (and children) die than receive any kind of help through immigration. You are calling people bottom of the barrel for trying to escape from danger. You are dehumanizing people on the basis of a single non-violent crime. You are judging your political opponents as criminals for failing to hold a false idol to the same standard you do.

            All of which is incredibly hateful.

            • 10A@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              Upvoted for a pretty good explanation, though I do disagree that any of that is hateful, and I don’t know what “false idol” you referred to.

              I’ll tell you this: I don’t feel any hatred in my heart towards illegal immigrants, nor towards my political opponents. I mean that honestly.

              So I take issue with your claim of hatred, as it’s factually incorrect.

              • PizzaMan@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                I don’t know what “false idol” you referred to.

                The flag

                I’ll tell you this: I don’t feel any hatred in my heart towards illegal immigrants, nor towards my political opponents. I mean that honestly.

                So I take issue with your claim of hatred, as it’s factually incorrect.

                You don’t have to hate somebody to do something hateful towards them or say something hateful. Hate isn’t always intentional.

                • 10A@kbin.social
                  1 year ago

                  The flag

                  Gotcha. The flag’s not a false idol at all. Not sure where you live, but I’m in a fairly Christian conservative area, and it’s commonplace to see “kneel for the cross, stand for the flag” signs. Nobody worships the flag. It’s just a uniting symbol of our neighbors across the nation. When we say “love your neighbor”, the flag is the imagery that comes to mind for me. It’s not an idol at all, just a symbol of our fellow Americans, who we strive to love.

                  You don’t have to hate somebody to do something hateful towards them or say something hateful. Hate isn’t always intentional.

                  What a peculiar claim. Hatred is a feeling. I know what’s in my heart. You don’t. You can misinterpret my words, but you can’t rightfully ascribe feelings to my heart which I don’t feel.

                  • PizzaMan@lemmy.world
                    1 year ago

                    The flag’s not a false idol at all. Not sure where you live, but I’m in a fairly Christian conservative area, and it’s commonplace to see “kneel for the cross, stand for the flag” signs.

                    That fits the bill:


                    Nobody worships the flag.

                    They absolutely do, and you’ve done quite a bit of it yourself from what I have read from you. You treat is as a moral failure for not treating the flag with the utmost respect, and that is a form of worship.

                    What a peculiar claim. Hatred is a feeling. I know what’s in my heart. You don’t. You can misinterpret my words, but you can’t rightfully ascribe feelings to my heart which I don’t feel.

                    Hate can be a feeling, but it isn’t always a feeling. Hatred can be a cold unfeeling action, or speech. Granted, I think if this part of the conversation continues any further then it will devolve into semantics.

          • thepixelfox@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            What is hateful about saying you don’t care that people die if they ‘don’t fight like a man.’ You’re seriously asking that. First of all, your sexism is showing, second of all, how about the woman and children who flee in fear of being murdered? And no sympathy for jews dying in the holocaust cause they weren’t armed, like that was their fault? Like you can just easily buy guns and ammo and fight back.
            Please tell me how many wars you’ve fought in, you know, since you’re such a patriotic man.

            Flags do not equal patriotic, people who use the American flag as a pseudo God can be insane, take Trump supporters for example, crimes were committed and flags were flown. Mhm, yes, really patriotic upstanding citizens.

            If you can’t see the hate you’re spewing, you’re blind and a fool. But keep spouting your bullshit complete holiness and then acting like a psychopath.

            • 10A@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              Please consider 10 USC §246, which defines the US militia as all able-bodied men between ages 17 and 45.

              That may give you some background on my perspective. I expect able-bodied men to be soldiers, ready to fight and die to protect their families and neighbors at the drop of a hat. That’s why we Americans keep and bear arms. It’s not sexist to expect men to fight like men, and to find fault with cowardice.

              • PizzaMan@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                It’s not sexist to expect men to fight like men, and to find fault with cowardice.

                Have you ever seen liveleak videos of what cartels do to the people who stand up to them? Because I have. I’ve seen a guy get decapitated with a box cutter. If I were living in one of those countries, the logical thing for me to do is to get my family the hell out of there rather than to throw my life away in a failed attempt to take down a cartel.

                The problem with what you’ve said isn’t sexism, the problem is that none of what you said has any sense of realism. You can’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps if you have no bootstraps.

                • 10A@kbin.social
                  1 year ago

                  What’s wrong with you, watching a video like that? I’m traumatized just reading your description of it. Are you okay?

                  I get your point, and I don’t think either of us can convince the other. The honorable man dies with his boots on. That’s my position, and I’m sticking to it.

                  But really, I’m concerned about anyone watching videos like that. That’s really disturbing.

                  • PizzaMan@lemmy.world
                    1 year ago

                    What’s wrong with you, watching a video like that? I’m traumatized just reading your description of it. Are you okay?

                    4chan is a rough place and I will leave it at that. I only brought it up to point out how hopeless it is for any individual (and even governments) to stand up to cartels. You have an unrealistic expectation on how people should fight for the safety of their loved ones.

                    The honorable man dies with his boots on.

                    When the continental army was fighting the British, they were fighting tyranny illegally, and doing so with women and children and tow. Many of those soldiers died during retreating movements, without their boots on so to speak.

                    I don’t aim to convince you, I’m simply here to point out that the rational thing is to recognize that getting your family out of danger through any means necessary is the moral thing to do even if it technically breaks the law.

              • thepixelfox@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                First of all, we were talking about people fleeing other countries and the Jews, not the US. Also, the US code subordinate to the constitution, and the constitution gives ‘the people’ the right to own guns. PEOPLE. Not just men, people. so no, it’s not just dur dur men.

                Again, your sexism is showing. Men shouldn’t be expected to be ‘manly’. Men are people too, they can be however they like. I thought you were all for people being able to have freedom, yet you’re pigeon holing people into categories and defined characteristics. Which is sexist.

                But what do I expect from a Christian.

                • 10A@kbin.social
                  1 year ago

                  This is just so off-topic and lacking in understanding that I’m not going to continue arguing. Especially with that closing remark. God bless you, pixelfox.