• undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Nearly every single meaningful change in the balance of power or step towards greater freedom involved either the use or the threat of violence against authority. This ranges from getting weekends through to the civil rights movement as well as the suffragettes and everything in between. It turns out that its actually pretty easy to just ignore placards, social media posts and strongly worded letters.

    I mean, if you’re going to act like other people are stupid, you should know about the things you’re talking about.

    The cherry on the irony cake being your lashing out at something you didn’t like while claiming to be above such things. Well done you!

    • jj4211@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Think there’s a mismatch. He didn’t say threat or violence against authority is pointless, he is stating that undirected or misdirected violence, vandalism, and such. Like this comic is not related, because they are facing authority, but the protests he would object to would be ones that are done way away from anyone or anything that can even possibly be relevant. Torches and pitchforks toward the leadership or whatever direct or proximal cause of stuff that you didn’t like, but don’t expect to win hearts and minds if you instead randomly vandalize or interfere with unrelated stuff.

      Civil rights protests that were remebered as part of driving change were directly facing the issues, rather than just blind screwing around.