Is there a way I could see my is
view monthly, but from current date from each month? I.e. if I ran the command today I would see January to April where each month is showing expenses and incoming from 1-9, i.e. 1-9 January, 1-9 February, 1-9 March and so forth?
Idea is to have a comparison how expenses/income ratio is going compared to previous months at the “same time”.
Like for January only I could hledger print -b $(date +%Y-)01-01 -e $(date +%Y)-01-$(date +%d)
Kind of got it as I started thinking about it after posting… Would be better as a oneliner set to an alias so one can add flags on the fly, but this works:
#!/usr/bin/env bash # Where to save temporary journal PROGRESS_JOURNAL_PATH="/tmp/progress.journal" # Current month as number MONTH=$(date +%m) # Need to increment the month with one for loop to work ((MONTH++)) # Clean out the temp journal in case it already exists echo -e "; Temporary progress journal\n" > "$PROGRESS_JOURNAL_PATH" for ((COUNTER = 1 ; COUNTER < $MONTH ; COUNTER++)); do # Append each months transactions until current month within the same date range as today hledger print -b "$(date +%Y)-$COUNTER-01" -e "$(date +%Y)-$COUNTER-$(date +%d)" >> "$PROGRESS_JOURNAL_PATH" done # Print out the command that should run to output echo "$ hledger -f $PROGRESS_JOURNAL_PATH is -t -M -A" # Get the result hledger -f "$PROGRESS_JOURNAL_PATH" is -t -M -A -S
Disjoint date periods in a single report are not well supported by most accounting software, see recent hledger issue. Nice solution!