Crossposted using Lemmit.

Original post from /r/macsysadmin by /u/yurtbeer on 2023-07-03 17:22:26+00:00.

I work with a solution that works with both datamation and bretford hubs, these are large docking bays that you can load up with 20 to 24 iphones, paired with groundcontrol for managing shared devices.

This was seen on M1 devices and is still there with M2, load the docks up with say 15 to 20 devices and everything is fine, do a hard power off of the dock and when it comes back up and if you had 15 devices you may now only see 14 being detected, unplug and plug back in and the phone will now be connected. I spent a lot of time going back and forth with apple engineers back when I saw this on the m1, even proved it had nothing to do with Groundcontrol, it’s something between the docks and the mac, also cannot recreate this issue on a PC. So fast forward and do get an apple engineer who pretty much says “oh yea thats on our side” and says this needs to be run at start up:

sudo kextload /Library/Apple/System/Library/Extensions/AppleMobileDevice.kext

But if the device is already running and the power gets cut and started back up the above does not do a whole lot.

the point of my post is there any tools or how to guide I’m not finding that will let me monitor the usb devices being detected by the mac so I can just for my own knowledge maybe get a glimpse into what is going on when these docks get powered off and back on?