I’ve had this idea over a few things, I think sometimes when people do sinful things, that maybe there is something healthy they could do instead

like if someone does drugs to feel good, they could instead maybe exercise and that can make people feel good hormonally and even give a “runner’s high” to people (this shouldn’t be abused or become an addiction in itself but I think sometimes it could be a beneficial alternative)

So perhaps in this thread we could discuss alternatives to certain things that people do, like sins people commit that could be given some alternative.

For example what do you think about tarot card alternatives? People play with the cards and try to tell people’s futures. Could they play a card game instead? I guess the tarot cards were originally used just for card games? Could they play some kind of card game that isn’t fortune telling? For some people, it might be best to stop certain activities entirely, so they’re not tempted to do the wrong thing.

So tarot alternative ideas?

Ideas of other sins and alternatives?