I have been exclusively consuming flower with an XMAX v3 for over a year now. It works great for me, and I mostly consume at home. But I’m always wondering if I’m missing out by not upgrading to a more expensive unit.

For anyone who used an XMAX v3 and have moved up to something bigger and badder. What did you get and how does the experience differ?


  • Delta 3D Studios@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The Xmax v3 Pro is no slouch - it’s a great budget-friend portable.

    Most devices performs differently - some cook faster, some taste better, some are easier to clean, smoother vapor, faster extraction etc. There are so many fun upgrades out there so it really depends on which direction you wanna go - desktop, butane, higher powered portable, etc.

    I have handled countless devices so by all means feel free to ask me how they’d compare to the Xmax v3 pro and I’ll be happy to give you some un-biased opinions of the pros/cons of any upgrade.

    Note - faster extraction and “Cloud chasing” isn’t always more beneficial. Sometimes it’s good to change your regular device once or twice a year to help reset your tolerances. It’s mainly psychological - the use of a device becomes habitual - running temps, loading sizes, draw patterns, etc. This is called "vape tolerance. So even if you get a super high powered device, don’t toss your Xmax - it’ll still be beneficial once or twice a year to cycle through your devices.