• Foreigner@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    This is a terrible take. Given the high rate of suicide among trans individuals who have no social or medical support, this is a public health issue and not just a race to the “money fountain”. Should we also cut funding for all mental health causes because the Flint water crisis isn’t yet taken care of? Not every trans individual is even asking for or wants to transition surgically. And when they do, most are paying out if their own pocket. And even those that get any public funding represent a literal drop in the ocean. Are you also mad at women who get attention and funding for breast reconstruction surgery after cancer?

    By your logic no other social issue should be dealt with or funded if we don’t solve world hunger first. It’s not marginalised communities that are standing between people in need and resources, and it’s frankly not constructive to be mad at those marginalised communities for getting the attention they do. Better to use that energy to go after those who hoard resources and have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.

      • Foreigner@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        LGBTQIA are getting a lot more screen time because a small group of powerful people decided we’re a good scapegoat to distract everyone else (including you) from the real reason the issues you so vehemently abhor are even happening in the first place. Maybe you should direct your ire at them, it’s a hell of a lot more constructive.

        Also what’s this about “you people”? I’m not American. In fact I come from a former colony of a European country that’s still getting royally fucked over decades after independence, and the majority of the population lives in abject poverty. Don’t lecture me about who’s getting enough attention. Most of the people in your country have barely even heard of the place I’m from, let alone give even an iota of a shit about the plight of the people there. And you don’t hear me ranting that native americans are getting more “attention” and “resources” compared to my people who are dying of rampant AIDs, violent conflict, and fucking disease and starvation. We all deserve equality and justice - focus your efforts on tearing down the causes, not other groups fighting for themselves against the same fucking oppressors.

        • BadAdvice@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Imagine having the independence to fuck up your own country as you like lmao you’re talking about comparing a genocide to intermittent cultural oppression like they’re even remotely similar. I’m sorry the Europeons came to your country and made things worse for your people. Mine never left and have only recently agreed to stop sending us to mandatory death camps dressed up as houses of God. Do your people still have concentration camps? Mine are called reservations.

          • Foreigner@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            If you think a lot of African countries are truly independent and not still being fucked every day by the same imperialists that put them in that situation in the first place, you have a lot to learn. Your people aren’t the only ones who suffered from genocide and literal slavery courtesy the same breed of colonialists you talk about. Again if you have an issue with the status quo take it up with your oppressors rather than shitting on other oppressed peoples. And while you’ve turned this into an oppression dick measuring contest you, have yet to tell me how the lack of attention to your cause is specifically the LGBT community’s fault as you’ve alluded to time and again

            • BadAdvice@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Because the lgbt community is fighting for wants instead of raising awareness about needs. Let’s talk about drag queen story hour. Do we need protests and media coverage for drag queen story hour to keep going when a rez in the state doesn’t have its own water supply? Apparently so, because that’s what’s on the news. When I say “genocide” what I’m talking about is the 112 million people who lived on this land, of whom there are 7 million descendants today. That’s almost 95% decline. And that’s with explosive growth in the last 2 generations. My people were very nearly eradicated entirely, while lgbtqia+ have enjoyed varying levels of acceptance since written history began.

              • Foreigner@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                Your strawman argument fails to demonstrate why this is any of the LGBT community’s fault or responsibility. You know why drag queen story hour is on the news? Nobody cared until bigots made it a big deal and pushed it to mainstream attention. Drag queen story hour has been going on for years, then the ‘phobes started showing up with guns. As if any of us wants to be in the news because we’re being threatened with violence. Christ.

                Also where are you getting the 112 million native americans figure from? Most estimates in North America don’t break past 20 million pre-Columbus (and that includes Canada):


                Nobody can deny indigenous peoples have suffered from genocide and other injustices, but you do realise the LGBT community is no stranger to genocide and concentration camps, right? Are you unaware of what happened in Europe in the mid-20th century? And that’s only one example – LGBT individuals have been and are still being raped, imprisoned and murdered around the globe. Our saving grace is that we’ve been/are able to able to hide our identities, but a great personal cost.

                Finally, the reason none the issues you bring up get any airtime is because the people responsible for picking what gets attention (hint: it’s not the LGBT mafia) frankly don’t care. That’s not on us.

                • BadAdvice@lemmy.world
                  1 year ago

                  “The Native Population of the America’s 1492” 2nd edition, University of Wisconsin Press, 1992. You wanna Cite an actual source or just use Wikipedia? Further, you got put in concentration camps once if you were stupid enough to admit to being gay. We got put onto reservations regardless of what we claimed to be, because we are all Indians. And we never got liberated. We’re still in the camps. Drag queen story hour is an issue of years. The oppression of my people is an issue of CENTURIES. it’s not even remotely similar.

                  • Foreigner@kbin.social
                    1 year ago

                    That book refers to the population of ALL of the Americas, including central and south america. To say the native american population went from 112 million to 7 million is a LIE. The wiki page cites actual sources for the figures, or have you never used Wikipedia before?

                    And we’re moving goalposts again I see. You didn’t need to admit to being gay, you’d just have to be suspected of being gay to end up in a concentration camp. Today, LGBT people are still being killed, raped, imprisoned, beaten the world over. That’s been happening for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, I mean it’s in the fucking bible, qran, torah, etc for fuck’s sake. And trust me they weren’t stoning drag queens and twinks back then. Just because there’s LGBT acceptance in -some places- now doesn’t mean everything is peachy. So no, your problem isn’t remotely similar, but if you want to play oppression Olympics against a group of people who have been persectured for literal millenia, AND STILL ARE, you don’t have much of a leg to stand on. But this isn’t about who’s more or less oppressed. This is about you coming here and faulting the LGBT community for speaking for ourselves, as if it’s somehow our fault everyone else is ignoring your people’s problem. Take it up with the mainstream media dude, they and the people in power who maintain the status quo are your real enemies, not us.