a pixo that I like was in the Pátio do Colégio, a historical jesuit square and church that marks where the city was founded, the first building and the catechization of indigenous people. The jesuits were kicked by the settlers, because of the settlers interest in indigenous slave labour and some time later it also received the government of São Paulo. Nowadays the square shelters a lot of homeless people. The “pixo” reads “olhai por nóis”, meaning “watch over us”. Picture by myself.

via a comment in this thread by @hipgnose

It was after the Guardian article, it received some local media coverage. After the cleanup, it was reinaugurated with tacky white ballons and the priest said: “We wanted it to be the symbol of our city, transparent, translucent, without stain, without any blemish, of the corruption that bury people, that supplants hope, that makes so many tears shed” Yeah, what a great history…

via a reply by @hipgnose